A grizzled derelict tells a quartet of horror tales to a trio of young campers. 一位無家可歸的白發人
在查爾斯·李·雷伊將靈魂注入公仔十年后,他當年的女友蒂芬妮(珍妮佛·提莉 Jennifer Tilly 飾)多年不懈尋找他的下落,終于買通警察將玩偶“楚其”的殘體帶出,蒂芬妮憑借不
Jake Cullen (Bill Kerr) lives with his grandson in the Australian outback when a massive r
《失火夜店的喪命焦尸》:除夕夜,時尚男女云集Santaka夜店狂歡,卻遭遇大火,致令死傷者眾多。青年阿姆(Akara Amarttayakul 飾)在災難中失去女友帕塔瑪,因此痛苦
In 2022, filmmaker Dillon Brown set out with Green Beret and wilderness survival expert, M
Three college students stumble upon a secret television broadcast of a deceased serial kil
When an unknown assailant preys on a haunted hotel's patrons, an event planner teams up wi
現年32歲的瘦弱女子愛麗絲·伊萬斯(布萊特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy 飾)是一個小有名氣的編劇,由于當年和男友的紛爭,造成愛麗絲神經容易緊張,無法專心工作。眼看截稿日
When a party bus on its way to Burning Man filled with a bunch of sexy young adults breaks
2023 / 泰國 / Cheezecake,Jariya,Jarupong,Kluaymaingam,Kovit,Wattanakul,Pharunyoo,Rojanawuttitham,Jack,Ra
Lucjan is a theatre actor whose health is failing. He forgets his lines on stage and feels
To honor their sister's dying wish, siblings must venture deep into the haunted woods to r
A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker
A group of cooks at an asylum for the criminally insane get locked in with the inmates dur